A & B Locksmiths, 5858 Pelham Road, Taylor, MI, 48180-1391, repair shops & related services nec

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A & B Locksmiths

Company Name: A & B Locksmiths
Status: Active
State: Michigan
Post: 48180-1391
County: Wayne
City: Taylor
Address: 5858 Pelham Road
Phone: (313)563-3800
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact President: John Hodge
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 7699 Industry group: Miscellaneous repair services, Business category: Repair shops & related services nec
Overall: A & B Locksmiths is a business categorized under repair shops & related services nec, which is part of the larger category miscellaneous repair services. A & B Locksmiths is located at the address 5858 Pelham Road in Taylor, Michigan 48180-1391. The President is John Hodge who can be contacted at (313)563-3800.
Description: Repair Services, Nec
  • Locksmith
  • Emergency locksmith service
  • Locks supplier
  • Safe & vault shop
In summary:
  • Great service and resonable price.
  • The technician “brian” said the main owner was up north.
  • No bs, fast, best prices around, and great staff!
Recommended: Yes: 0 No: 0Click here to Inform about a mistake 21 Rating:

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Name: J.
Message: I called a dozen or more places to replace lost keys to an old vehicle with many excuses or high costs. I took out the lock and brought it in and they made a key. A+.
Name: D.S.
Message: These guys have my company's business and my business forever! Not only is this just a cool place that screams "I've been in the business for a long time" from the moment you walk in, but the service is fast and spectacular. I was getting 2 keys cut for a company van and a key for my personal vehicle. He said the keys for the van would be $40 each, but when I went to pay, he only charged me $50 for both! He didn't even mention it until I asked him. And then he only charged me $5 for my personal key! What incredible service! We're adding keys to all our company vehicles, so he's going to get a lot of business from us!
Name: R.S.
Message: Owned and operated by the same family for decades! Very honest, kind and reasonably priced locksmith. One of the best in the business. I programed several keys for sevral vehicles, including my 2018 Lincoln Navigator.
Name: O.S.
Message: Keys Everywhere! They have a museum of keys there! I came for my pick up truck (2003) to have an extra key, and to have it coded. They were super quick, extremely polite. I'd recommend this locksmith to everyone!
Name: O.7.B.L.
Message: These guys are LIFE SAVERS, I was seriously in some distress over this key matter! When you call someone randomly on the internet you never know what service you’re going to get or how you will be treated! As a female I’m always weary of hiring random men and allowing them to my home, these guys were respectful and friendly but very professional as well! I’m grateful I found a trustworthy locksmith company I can recommend now and use again if I ever need to! I called many places and they could get here the soonest thankfully, Even if I had to wait longer if I need them again I would wait without hesitation. I’m VERY happy with my service they we’re quick, knowledgeable, friendly and I didn’t know this beforehand but it’s a family business! I will forever be recommending them to anybody looking without a doubt! Thank you so much for coming to my key rescue today guys!
Name: M.D.J.J.
Message: Need a new keys cut and a new key fobs programmed for my 2011 Ford Focus. I had my own keys and fob but they have plenty in stock. The service was amazing, I was greeted as soon as I walked in the door. Told them what I needed and key's were cut and in programmed in under 15 minutes. Establishment was very clean and the employees were very courteous. If you need keys for your home, business, and vehicle keys or fob's I highly recommend A & B locksmiths!
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